PIO Scheme Withdrawn

Important information for valid PIO card holders

 The last date for conversion of PIO to OCI on gratis (free of charge) has been closed since 31st December, 2017. Valid PIO card holders who have not converted their PIO cards to OCI cards are therefore, advised to apply for conversion of their PIO card to OCI card with payment of fees as applicable for issue of fresh OCI (£194.00 plus service charge and value added services charged by VFS).

 The PIO card scheme has been discontinued, and it may be noted that the International Civil Aviation Organisation has specified that only machine readable travel documents would be acceptable w.e.f. October, 2018. The PIO cards being handwritten documents, will become invalid travel documents from October 2018. Therefore, those travelling to India on the strength of hand written PIO cards beyond September, 2018, would be refused entry at the Indian Immigration counters and sent back. It would be, therefore, necessary for PIO card holders to obtain machine readable OCI cards in lieu of the existing hand-written PIO cards.

 For online OCI registration, please refer to the link below:


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